티스토리 뷰


My Favorite Toy

바이탈쥴리 2024. 2. 18. 17:51

My Favorite Toy
My Favorite Toy


I love my teddy bear, Mr. Fluffy. He is soft and brown. Mr. Fluffy wears a red bow tie and is my best friend. I got him on my fifth birthday. He is special because he helps me feel safe at night. I can hug him when I'm scared.


I tell Mr. Fluffy all my secrets. He listens and never tells anyone. We have fun playing together. We pretend to go on adventures like finding treasure and flying to the moon. Mr. Fluffy is always ready to play with me.


I also read books to Mr. Fluffy. It's like he learns with me. He makes everything more fun. Mr. Fluffy is my favorite toy because he's more than a toy. He's my friend who's always there for me.



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